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Funding & Skills Building

The School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan (SCHA-MI) is dedicated to strengthening school-based and school-linked health care across the state. To further support Child & Adolescent Health Centers (CAHCs), we are excited to offer funding and skills-building opportunities designed to enhance community impact, empower youth, and develop strong leadership within the field.

Leadership Unlocked

What got us here won’t get us there. Most new supervisors find themselves promoted due to their success as individual contributors, and while direct managers are the single biggest variable in team engagement, over half receive zero training for the role. In this cohort experience, people leaders will get the training they deserve (and desperately need). Through this cohort experience, leaders and aspiring leaders will take responsibility for their unique leadership impact and will build skills and accountability for effective communication and tough conversations. As our world becomes increasingly complex, we need every person in our organization to show up and lead for better outcomes, better solutions, better impact, and a better world.

Community & Support Services Mini-Grant

A new mini-grant opportunity is available for Community Advisory Committees and Support Services. This initiative is designed to support your innovative ideas and initiatives, with 15 mini-grants of up to $10,000 each available. To ensure alignment with your center’s goals and needs, two application tracks are offered for this funding opportunity.

Youth Advisory Council Mini-Grant

Youth Advisory Councils (YACs) affiliated with Child and Adolescent Health Centers (CAHCs) throughout Michigan are eligible to apply for a $7,000 mini-grant. SCHA-MI's Youth Advisory Council will award 10 mini-grant awards, $7,000 each, to grant recipients. Mini-grant funds may be used for a variety of activities, including youth leadership development workshops, educational campaigns, volunteer days or events, YAC meeting and recruitment materials, or trainings.
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