School-Based Health Center
High School, School-Based Health Center Student
Our School-Based Health Center is important to me because it is very resourceful. If you have any type of ailment throughout the school day, all you have to do is walk down the hall and go to the Health Center. It saves a lot of time as well as money. Instead of you having to call your parents and wait for them to come get you, the Health Center is always available. It saves a lot on medical bills; a lot of peoples’ insurance companies cover most, if not all, of their bills.
One of the main challenges the SBHC has helped me to overcome is my leadership skills. The SBHC sponsors a student-led organization called The Teen Advisory Council (TAC). The TAC does a lot around the school and for the community. I am a member of the executive board of this organization. We run meetings, plan events, do a lot of public speaking, and are introduced to a multitude of different things that the average high school student doesn’t get to experience. In doing this, you add many different things into your skill set. These things, amongst others, can include responsibility, determination, leadership, respect, and discipline.
The School-Based Health Center has made me into a very successful student. While with the TAC, I have taken part in many different opportunities. These opportunities that I have taken advantage of have seriously changed my life. I never thought I would have done the things I’ve done so far in my life. It has also given me something useful to put on my resume. The skill set that I have now is a product of being part of the TAC. I would strongly advise any high school student to join; it is only beneficial to you and your life.
If I Could Change One Thing I Would Give Them More Workers
High School, School-Based Health Center Student
Having and being a part of the health center is beneficial to anyone involved, and when I say anyone I mean the health center is not just for students that attend the school, if you live in the neighborhood around the school and you are between the ages of 10-21. The staff would be very willing to assist you. They offer vaccinations, give physicals, and different types of testing. These are just a few things they would provide. They also have on-site staff a social worker, licensed nurse and a health educator for any questions you might have. I know many people might be saying “I can just go to the doctor or the health center does not help me” but the only way the health center doesn’t help you is if you don’t allow them to.
I have been to the health center many times but the first time I went was my freshman year at Arthur Hill High School, and I wanted to be on our school softball team but the only way I could even try out is if I had a physical but my mom could not take me. The convenient part about it was the health center was right down the hall so I went on my own time and made myself an appointment. I felt like a grown up, it really gave me a sense of responsibility. I had my health under control and I loved it. The staff was really nice and good at making you feel welcomed. I was really comfortable talking with everyone. From then on I knew that when I needed something no matter how big or small I could go there.
The health center also helps create more successful students. Students don’t have to miss school to make a doctor’s appointment and if you get sick in school they do not have to send you home you can be treated in the health center. The least amount of time you have to miss out of school the slimmer the chance you have of falling behind.
The SBHC connects you to amazing programs like the Teen Advisory Council. Being a part of the TAC really brought me out of my shell during my high school transition; this group helped me meet new friends. I am more comfortable talking with people. I am a recipient of the Future’s Without Violence.
“Respect Challenge” and I have been awarded as a natural leader through our school district. The only thing I did was go to our school-based health center. If you just think the same thing can happen to other kids. I love everything about the health center but if I could change one thing I would give them more workers. Having a school-based health center can help so much but not having one can take away so many of the opportunities that come with it.
My Health Story
High School, School-Based Health Center Student
What does it mean to be healthy? In my opinion, to be healthy is to be illness and injury free, but to also be happy and comfortable within one’s self. School-based health care is able to provide all of these services through its many school-based health centers.
When I first began attending Arthur Hill High School of Saginaw, MI, for instance, I had considered many opportunities, and clubs to be a part of. The Teen Advisory Council was one of the first of many clubs I joined. The TAC is essentially an organization of the school-based health center to promote health, and its health services offered to students. I was first and personally introduced to the school-based health center here and believed in its vision of providing services and ultimately health to students. As a TAC member I learned of the importance of one’s well-being, both physical and mental and the valuable difference of being in control of your own health.
Through the Teen Advisory Council I was now an advocate of health for my fellow peers and ultimately the health center, as well.
In this way, the school-based health center is such an important essential to me. It provides myself, and all of the students with necessary physical and mental services, like physical examinations for sports, and also in- depth counseling and guidance. The health center also has friendly staff that treat you like family. There’s simply an overall calming and comforting atmosphere within it. The assurance of knowing the health center and its services will always be there, whenever I need it, is essential y one of the greatest factors to my success as both a TAC member, and student.
Without the school-based health center, for instance, there would be no existence of the Teen Advisory Council to promote the importance and benefit of one’s well-being. Students will not have the education of health that could be provided with the center and the resources, to be in control of the services, they may need. By not being healthy, students will not be able to reach their full potential. Thankfully, the school-based health center continues to be funded and thus, the Teen Advisory Council is as well to allow students to not only meet their potential but exceed it.
Now, as a high school Junior, the school-based health center continues to help me thrive in my health and overall education. By being healthy and in control of it, I have been able to achieve not only academic goals, but also personal goals. As I continue onto my senior year, and essentially onward to my future, I have gained much knowledge from the TAC, the health center and essentially school-based health care, such as the importance of being in control of your own health and how it can ultimately help you to achieve success.
Every Young Person Deserves a School-Based Health Center
School-Linked Health Center
The first time I came to the Corner Health Center was the first Monday of a month. That's when they have this thing called Man Up Monday. That's when you can get a free hair cut and get food and games and more. I thought it was cool how they had all these stuff in a doctor's office. I wanted to see what else was going on in this building. My sisters told me about the Youth Leadership Council (YLC). At first they made it seem boring so I didn't
go, but then I tried it and I liked it. I kept on going to the YLC meetings and I tried to become a member of YLC. I was hoping that I would fit in. The day came for my YLC interview and it was my first interview ever. I know I messed up a lot because I thought it wasn't going to be hard but it turns out I was wrong. Then I had to leave the room so they could make a choice to see if I can come in the group or not. I thought I wasn't going to get into group but it turns out I did. And I wanted to join the group because I like helping and that's what YLC is trying to do for the community. Now I'm trying to give ideas of my own to YLC if I can think of one. Right now we're just working on projects to help the community to make life better for people. I hope we get to meet more people, see new faces, and come up with new ideas. I think they should have more places like the Corner because more ideas can be shared. We might end up working with another group on an idea that can go big so we can help more then the community people. At the Corner I can get a free hair cut and help to change my community. I wish every young person in Michigan can have a place like this.
My Health Story
Student at Youth Clinic
School-based health care is important to not only just me as an individual, but to my community as well. Although health care in and of itself is becoming more available across class groups, many young people remain uneducated of their availability in terms of health care due to parental lack of knowledge. This knowledge gap is overcome with the school-based health care programs. Through school-based health programs, not only can young adults 21 and under have direct access to health care through a provincial part of their lives, but they can readily receive care and health education as well. This immediate and convenient availability is so beneficial in communities like Lakeview, where although there are multiple health avenues in terms of providers, young people looking for care need to search no further than their school district.
Personally, my school-based health center has helped me become a better student by allowing me to be confident in my health through knowledge. I have a personal relationship with many of the health care providers at the Lakeview Youth Clinic, and this allows me to be comfortable in seeking health care and guidance. When I go to the Youth Clinic, I know that the people there don’t just want me to get better, they want me to know how I can maintain my health. The health care providers at the Lakeview Youth Clinic are genuinely concerned about the students of the Lakeview community, and show this through their treatment of their patients emotional, mental, and physical health.
One of the key components of the school-based health programs is that students can seek the help they need without the concern of payment. In many cases students are seeking medical care individually, and would not be able to afford a visit with the community’s main source of a health care provider. Funding for these programs allows for the continued easy access and availability for students in need. If these programs were eliminated from the community due to lack of funding, there would be an increase in the amount of students in need, and not receiving care.
As a community the school-based health programs increase health knowledge and the availability of care to all ages of students. Health is so much more than just not being sick, it’s a physical, mental, and social well-being. Habits that promote life-long health need to be taught at a young age and encouraged through a person’s life. This is truly the Lakeview Youth Clinics goal for the community of Lakeview Students and it is an obvious passion of the people who work there.
I feel fortunate that my community has a school-linked clinic and that it can benefit a large group of my peers that may not have access to healthcare any other way.
I’ve Never Felt More Aware of My Health
High School, School-Based Health Center Studnet
Intercare has truly become an essential part to my life. The high school’s clinic became an essential part of my life because ever since I was a little kid, my parents told me about how important it was to keep my body and wellbeing happy and safe. Growing up, I was one average kid that was scared of shots, needles, or anything that concerns hospitals. For some odd reason, that was like a motivation, or reason, to stay as far away from hospitals as I can. Now, being a seventeen year old senior at Benton Harbor High School, it opened my eyes up about things. From my freshman year to now, I always made my high school’s clinic an important part of my high school because the clinic was always there to teach my fellow classmates information that we did not learn in school about topics from drug abuse, to the importance of hygiene. I think the thing that made my appreciate my high school’s clinic is the fact that the staff have a high level of respect and give us students the opportunity to participate in programs such as the TAC (Teen Advisory Committee). The Teen Advisory Committee is an extracurricular activity that I am a part of, that my high school has to offer. As a member of the Teen Advisory Committee, I help out my fellow classmates to assist, aspire, aware the students of my high school as well as my community about ensuring safety and proper knowledge about their health. I’ve been a member for several months now, and I love my group. They’ve helped me to become a more helpful person and for this being my last year in high school, I will truly miss them when I graduate. I, Rayshawn J. Wren, is a proud member of the TAC and I’ve never felt more aware and precautious of my health than ever before.
How the Student Health Clinic Has Helped Me
High School, School-Based Health Center Student
I have had the magnificent pleasure of visiting and getting a better understanding of the school based health clinic, and all the wonderful people who work there. I felt like they cared for me and helped build a clear understanding of what they were there for. They also gave me a home like setting which I found helpful when I’m there. The School Based Health Clinic has helped me in so many different ways and I will tell you why.
I am welcomed by smiles which helps me realize there are good people in this world. They have allowed their present to uplift me and my peers even in our darkest times. They have people that we can come talk to and get advice from without being judged which gives me hope. I was once in the shadows but I have slowly lighted my personality because of the access I have had to the opportunities the school based health clinic have provided for students like me.
They hold all my information to the comfort of me, which gives me a sense of trust and for me that's big. I never have to worry about anything getting out or being left out. They always provide me with well detailed information and extra if it's something to better me. There are a lot of things I didn't know about until I came to the clinic such as: STD and STI prevention, sugar shockers, and all the different awareness methods they provide. Now I get to share all that important information with my peers to help my community a better place.
To conclude, I love my student based health clinic and the things they do for me. From a little Band- Aid to a full checkup I thank everyone for caring about my health. I enjoy and cherish everyone who works there and have the most upmost respect for all of them. I know that any student that walks in or out of that clinic has had a positive experience and was helped by nothing but the best.
The Corner Is Not Just a Doctor’s Office
School-Linked Health Center Student
The Corner Health Center of Ypsilanti, MI is the school-based health center that I am consistently active in, as of recently. Sincerely to explain the countless benefits this center provides for me are beyond my thoughts; nevertheless, I will give it a try.
I started my participation in late summer of 2015, in a youth group called the Youth Leadership Council or YLC. I was first interested in this group because it prioritized youth voice in an attractive manner. This compelled me to want to be another person in the group who could create change for the
community in my own huge way. was introduced to phenomenal projects the group had done in the past. Projects like Y2C2 (Ypsilanti Youth Creating Change), where YLC journeyed across Ypsilanti to talk to diverse groups of youth in the community. Finding astonishing concerns, opinions, and relatable topics to connect on. The project ultimately made the youth feel heard, also allowing them to know that their thoughts of their community are important.
Attending these meetings once a week exposed me to more of the Corner than I could have ever thought of; this wasn't just a doctor's office! This health center offers: food pantries (one bag a day for every family), invitations for the youth to participate in countess activities for the corner, internships, computer access, diverse recognition days (Man-up Mondays, LGBTQ+ day, and Aqui Para Ti day), community relationship building, classes for pregnant women, and honestly so much more. The amazing benefits from this center are endless, that minor list above doesn't even amount to what it all provides.
This center is way too important to me, and I couldn't be anymore grateful than I already am for it being in my community. Since I am a part of a low-income family, I find myself limited to many opportunities, and filled with a vast amount of worries. Now that I have found this center many of my unanswered worries as a young adult have been resolved. I sincerely appreciate the Corner Health Center, and to show my gratitude, I try to be as involved as I can; jumping on any volunteer work I am available for. This is a place I encourage all of Ypsilanti youth to get to know, because I know this place has a lot of help to go around.