Marketplace (Obamacare, ACA) Open Enrollment has ended.  Open Enrollment will begin again November 1, 2015. 

Some people may be eligibile for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP)( due to life changes that happen.  Please check to see if you may be eligible.  Some of these SEP’s include people who have paid the penalty in their 2014 tax filing,( and are only eligible through April 30, 2015.

Healthy MI Plan – is OPEN ALL THE TIME. For more information, or to enroll, contact Robin Turner.  Enrollment is easy, and fast.  This is very different from enrolling in Medicaid for health insurance in the past.  Be sure to check and see if you’re eligible.  Contact Robin Turner for assistance.

Health Insurance Marketplace

Enrollment  in the Health Insurance Marketplace  (ACA, Obamacare)

Open Enrollment begins again November 1, 2015.

People with special circumstances may enroll now, (such as loss of employer based coverage, marriage, divorce, aged-out of other coverage, etc.).

The Individual Mandate began Jan. 1, 2014.  Most people will need to have health care coverage or face a possible tax penalty in 2015.

Did you Pay a Tax Penalty for not having coverage?

You may be eligible only through April 30, 2015 for a special enrollment period.

SCHA-MI Is A Michigan Health Coverage Navigator Agency

Navigator agencies such as SCHA-MI can assist with enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AND Medicaid.

SCHA-MI is a partner with Michigan Consumers for Healthcare, and has a Certified Navigator who can help you enroll.   Please contact Robin Turner, 517.908.0847, ext#222, or e-mail   You may also check Enroll Michigan for a local Navigator.

Information to distribute in your center:
Background and General Information:

Enrollment and Outreach

Marketplace enrollment (ACA, Obamacare) will open November 15, 2014.    People may enroll ANY TIME for Healthy Michigan Plan (Medicaid Expansion).

Your health center should:

  • Make a plan for enrollment and outreach now
  • Apply to be a Certified Application Counselor (highly suggested)
  • Make a plan to assess your outreach and enrollment success

SCHA-MI can provide assistance in your outreach.
Contact Robin Turner 517.908.0847, ext. 222.