Are You a Champion for School-Based Health Care?
Join the Board of Directors for the School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan!
SCHA-MI is recruiting new Board Members for 2016-2018. We are looking for people who are passionate about school-based health care and can commit to a full three-year term of service.
What makes for an effective board?
Board membership is considered the highest level of volunteerism in the nonprofit sector. In order to be effective, board members must be highly committed to their cause. Boards can be more effective by succeeding in these key areas:
- Information. Boards work best when the directors or trustees come to board meetings well-informed because staff have provided them with the tools they need to engage in meaningful and generative discussions.
- Questions. Effective boards ask insightful questions during their meetings, questions that are based on the information they have received in advance, filtered through the context of each board member’s experience.
- Decisions. Effective boards make decisions. The members are energized by the nature of the discussions and welcome the opportunity to contribute their knowledge, experience, and expertise to the deliberative process.
Specific Skills that we are looking for:
- Existing relationships with foundations
- Legal background or expertise
- Financial background or expertise
How to Apply
Read our Board Packet to learn more about being a SCHA-MI Board Member. The packet includes an official application to become a board member. Download here.
For more information and to apply, you can contact us at