Help us say THANK YOU!

Help us say THANK YOU!

In May of 2017, we hosted one of our most successful Youth Advocacy Days. The day featured expert speakers, workshops, and of course visits with your representatives about School-Based Health Care. One of our featured speakers was Nancy Vriebel – the Chief Deputy Director at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Nancy spoke about the budget process that happens to support programs like School-Based Health Centers.

We want to give Nancy a huge THANK YOU for taking the time to speak with us. Therefore, we are asking you to write hand-written thank you cards to her office in Lansing. We hoping to get a wide cross section of letters, including parent/guardians on advisory committees, principals, school-board members, other supporters, as well as youth.

Step 1: Write the letter

(Download sample letters into a Word File)

From a student

From a member of a Youth Advocacy Council

School-Based Health Center Coordinator/Clinician

Dear Nancy,

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us at Advocacy Day. I am so grateful that I attended the event. I learned so much about the budget process and how our leaders make budget decisions. It’s really helpful to understand the process that government undergoes to secure support for programs. We need more leaders like you in Michigan – leaders that are willing to take the time to speak to high school students and us to understand the power of our advocacy.

My School-Based Health Center is so important to me and I’m glad you feel the same way. My friends and I are able to have so many of our healthcare needs met easily and conveniently. We will continue to advocate for our health care thanks to your support.


Your Name
Your School/Center

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for being an advocate for school-based health centers. One of my friends told me all about what you said to the students at advocacy day. I have such a better understanding now of the way that government works and how certain programs are chosen to be funded. Thank you for helping us be advocates for our own health!

I don’t know what I would do without my school-based health center. It is such a great resource for me when I feel sick, need an immunization, or just even when I just want to talk with someone. It has helped me gain confidence in myself, stay in school, and given me the skills to be a leader.

The fact that you would chose to support us means a lot to me. We appreciate your work so much.



Your Name
Your School/Center

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for speaking with my students at Advocacy Day. Helping them understand the budget process makes them stronger advocates for our school-based health center. I admit I also learned a lot – both from you and from watching them. We now understand what we need to keep our center open. I saw my students leave Advocacy Day emboldened by the knowledge that learned and I am confident they  are passionate advocates.

Thank you for being one of our strongest supporters. We greatly appreciate all the work you do.


Your Name
Job Title
Your School/Center

Step 2: Mail your letter to us

We recommend using your own school/center letterhead in your letter. Send your letter to this address:

Attn: Robin Turner
School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan
6035 Executive Drive, Ste 103
Lansing, MI 48911

Step 3: We will send them for you!

Ask Robin Turner for any questions – or call 517.243.4531.