What to Tell Consumers about Open Enrollment

Quick facts

What to Tell Consumers about Open Enrollment

Are you confused about Open Enrollment this year? We have some quick facts that should help you translate the changes in the marketplace to your clients.

  • START EARLY on your application. Time is short, and more than likely no extensions will be given past Dec. 15. If you miss this deadline, you will have to wait a year.
  • Though MI has just 2 less insurance companies in the Marketplace, competition is robust. Be sure to go the Healthcare.gov to see the plans.
  • Premiums are up, BUT, because Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC)are based on the Silver Plans (and those premiums went up the most because of last minute changes to subsidies), this is creating higher APTC’S. This is good news! Be sure to check the premiums in the Bronze, Gold and Platinum too. Because of increases in the APTC, it may make more sense to move away from the Silver plan. Be sure to check the deductibles though.
  • Pick a plan you like. In the past, you could change the plan a month or two later. You will more than likely not be able to do that this year.
  • While money for Navigators is down 80% in MI, most of the navigators stayed on to help on a volunteer basis. Contact Enroll Michigan to find one: 517/367.7293, enrollmichigan.org.
  • Healthcare.gov will have the same number of assisters on the phone this year too, so call 800/318.2596 for phone assistance with Healthcare.gov.
  • Enrollment help is also available at Federally Qualified Health Centers; https://www.mpca.net/?page=locateHC
    Health Departments, and many community organizations.
  • Sundays, the system goes down 12 hours in the a.m. Plan accordingly.
  • If you do not work with an assister/navigator, or off the Marketplace (healthcare.gov), be sure to ask if the coverage you are considering is ACA Compliant. There are a lot of junk coverages out there now, that exclude many needed services to get the premium lower.
  • Subsidies and Advance Premium Tax Credit are ONLY AVAILABLE THOUGH Healthcare.gov

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